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Animal Welfare

Our commitment to take good care of our animals goes all the way back to our founder and great grandfather, John Baptiste Fiscalini.  A favorite family story tells of when he rode from Wisconsin to California in a railcar with his Holsteins to ensure their safety. This is the standard our family has always held itself to when it comes to caring for our animals.

Our family truly believes happy cows produce better milk and that leads to tastier cheese.  Our herd is given the freedom to roam large lots when the weather is good, but is kept indoors when the lots are wet to prevent infection and keep them clean.   Their stalls are raked twice a day to maximize their comfort.

Additionally, we were the first farm in the United States to be qualified by Validus, a third-party independent auditing agency.  We passed their qualifications for animal welfare, environmental compliance, food safety and sanitation, and production of our cheeses.

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