Our Farm
Our farm has been in our family since 1912 when our great-grandfather John Baptiste Fiscalini, the son of a Swiss immigrant, moved to Modesto, California. He settled on 160 acres where he farmed crops and began a dairy operation.
Four generations later our farm has grown to include 540 acres, a herd of 2800 dairy cows, and a farmstead cheese processing plant. Unlike the original Fiscalini land that supported a single-family home, today you will find the homes of third and fourth generation owners scattered across our property.
Like our great-grandfather, we believe in the sustainability of agriculture and want future generations of Fiscalinis to continue to support our rich and fertile land. Our philosophy is to harvest and forage our land to produce feed for our cattle, and then give back to the earth in natural form to keep it productive.
On our land we grow crops, which we utilize as feed for our herd. Using best management practices, a vast majority of the fertilizer used is manure from our own cows. We utilize the expertise of a Nutritionist and Veterinarian when it comes to the care and comfort of our animals and consult with them frequently.
The health and contentment of our cows is our livelihood. We truly believe the best cheese comes from happy cows and we strive to keep them among the happiest in California.